Sheridan Skye | Biolayne
  1. Coaches
  2. Sheridan Skye

Sheridan Skye

Women’s Health Specialist


Registered Nurse

Bachelor of Nursing 

Advanced Diploma in Health Science (Nutrition)

Mac Nutrition Uni Graduate

Cert III and IV in Fitness 

Pre and Postnatal Qualified

Areas of interest: 

Fat Loss 

Building Muscle 


Pre and Postnatal Training and Nutrition

Women’s Health

*Offers Nutrition and Training

As a certified personal trainer, Sheridan’s approach is practical, efficient, and sustainable. She believes that “less is more” when it comes to training and focuses on quality over quantity. She understands the challenges that women face when it comes to maintaining their health and fitness, particularly during pregnancy and after childbirth.

Sheridan’s experience and qualifications make her a versatile coach with a unique perspective on training and nutrition. Her nursing degree, combined with her advanced diploma in nutrition and leadership skills learned during her military service, enables her to provide her clients with a holistic approach to health and wellness. She understands the importance of proper nutrition and exercise in achieving optimal health and uses her expertise to guide her clients in their journey towards a healthier lifestyle.

Sheridan’s dedication to her clients extends beyond the gym or consultation room. She understands the importance of building a trusting relationship with her clients, which is why she invests time in getting to know them, their goals, and their unique challenges. Sheridan is a role model for her clients, having successfully juggled her career, family, and personal health goals. She is an advocate for self-care and strongly believes that investing in one’s health is the most valuable investment one can make.

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