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  3. BioLayne Seminars at the Flex Lewis Classic in Nashville, TN

BioLayne Seminars at the Flex Lewis Classic in Nashville, TN

BioLayne Seminars at the Fit Flexpo

Sunday July 17th at Ryman Hall B4 in the Gaylord Opryland Hotel in Nashville, TN

Price: $50 per seminar, or both for $80


11:00 am – 12:30pm: Practical Periodization

Learn science based techniques to take your training to the next level.  Anyone from beginners to advanced trainers can learn how to improve their programming from this seminar.  Layne will discuss different forms of periodization: linear, non-linear, DUP, in addition to different techniques such as auto-regulation, failure, conservative maxing, and many others.  This seminar is a great way to take your training to the next level.


1:00 – 2:30 pm: Top Strategies for Building Muscle

Training volume, tracking calories, macros, nutrient timing, failure training, time under tension… the list of options and opinions on how to use different techniques for building muscle are endless.  Layne uses over a decade of his experience in the lab and the gym to break down what things you should be focusing on if your goal is to build muscle and burn fat.  Don’t miss your opportunity to change the way you look at training and nutrition forever.


To book your ticket email biolayneweb@gmail.com payment can be made by credit card, paypal, check, or money order.  Please book asap, as spaces are limited.