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  3. Final Stretches of Prep

Final Stretches of Prep

Hello everyone,
As you know I tend to be very sporadic with my blog posts so I’ll try to bring you up to speed on everything. Right now I’m sitting 17 days out from my first natural pro show, the IFPA Pro International in Kansas City, KS on September 18th. As of now I’m at 200 lbs and definitely in my best condition ever. I am still working hard to peel a few more pounds of fat off but at this point I already feel like I’ve grabbed a personal victory as I will step onstage with a completely different and Improved physique from years past. My legs and back, two areas that I have focused on for a long time, are finally falling in line with the rest of my physique and I am so excited to step onstage and not have massive weakpoints in my physique. Don’t get me wrong, my legs still need to improve, but they are massively different from the last time I competed.

This prep has been challenging for me, mostly mentally and emotionally as I have poured my heart and soul into it like no prep before. I have never been this aggressive with nutrition or cardio in a prep, probably because I KNOW what my competitors will look like and I KNOW that it will take stepping up to the next level in order to stand on the pro stage and not look out of place. So I have been at it hard for the past 21.5 weeks and plan to give it my absolute all for the next 2.5 weeks. I will NOT be posting any updated progress pictures until the show, as silly as it sounds, I don’t want people telling me how great I look and how great I’m going to do, I need to remain focused on the task at hand.

On an exciting note, I was recently informed that both of my first pro shows will be broadcast live via webcast for viewing! On september 18th you can watch the IFPA Pro International on http://www.nbcflivetheater.com/ and you will also be able to watch the IFPA Cape Cod Pro on October 9th there. Go check it out not just for me, but to support the rest of the great natural pros out there.
