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  3. Press Release: UK High Court of Justice Issues Injunction Against Jason Blaha

Press Release: UK High Court of Justice Issues Injunction Against Jason Blaha

As many of you know, unfortunately this last year I was the target of a number of defamatory videos and statements on social media by Jason Blaha of Ice Cream Fitness made in an effort to harm my reputation.  Things became so out of control that my family and I even received threats of physical violence from several of Jason Blaha’s followers (including threats to my newborn son). Therefore, I unfortunately had to seek legal remedies to protect myself from these continued defamatory attacks.  After a long, exhausting, and stressful process I am relieved to announce that on November 19th a UK judge (Justice David Bean) issued an injunction against Jason Blaha acknowledging the defamatory nature of these videos & statements and prohibiting Jason Blaha from repeating them.  I did not want to publish the results of this hearing until the holidays were over as I felt it sent the wrong message to do so during the holiday season.  I am in the process of putting more information together regarding the details of what happened and why I did what I did and that information should be available hopefully within the next few weeks.  After that time I hope that all of this mess can be done and over with.

I will leave you with a few statements from the judge as well as the official court document so you can see for yourselves.

“The defendant (Jason Blaha) has repeatedly published on the internet allegations that he, the claimant, takes banned substances and that his research is bogus.  It is not necessary to go into the details.  The defendant has singularly failed to justify his conduct, in either sense of the word “justify”; either in the sense in defamation law, or more generally.”

“I am quite satisfied with the un-contradicted evidence of the claimant (Layne Norton) that he does neither of these things.  I am also satisfied that, for the reasons set out in the witness statements, the remedy of an injunction is necessary to protect the claimant, because it is plain that the defendant threatens and intends, unless restrained, to go on publishing this defamatory material.”

“He (Jason Blaha) has taken no part in the proceedings whatever, and he has only himself to blame for the fact that I am about to give judgement.”

Norton v Blaha Judgement (Complete Word Document)


“Truth is generally the best vindication against slander.”

~Abraham Lincoln