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  3. Sohee Lee’s great new e-book ‘How to Count Macros”

Sohee Lee’s great new e-book ‘How to Count Macros”

As many of you know, Sohee Lee has become a huge part of what BioLayne LLC is doing.  Not only is she a great coach and trainer in her own right but she is a fantastic writer and has done some absolutely fabulous articles.  Now she has entered the e-book realm and I feel has done a fantastic job with her first e-book called “How to Count Macros.”  This is a GREAT book for those of you who are just starting out counting macros and trying to better understand why and how to do it, but it may also be useful for those of you who just want to better your understanding of this topic.

If you are interested, here is the link to check out the e-book:  http://biolayne.soheefit.hop.clickbank.net/




Stay tuned for more collaborations between Sohee and BioLayne!





You can check out more about Sohee at her website: http://www.soheefit.com

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