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  3. The Story of the Jason Blaha/Ice Cream Fitness Ordeal

The Story of the Jason Blaha/Ice Cream Fitness Ordeal

****If you have not heard anything about this situation please skip this video, it is not worth your time****

For those of you who have heard about or have followed what has happened over the last year, you have only heard one side of the story. I have been quiet giving the legal process the time and respect to run it’s course. Remaining silent while my character, integrity, and reputation was voraciously attacked was one of the most difficult thing I’ve ever had to do. Now that the UK High Court has made an injunction against Jason Blaha I can give you my side of the story. Here’s what happened and why I did what I did. I have included all relevant evidence, emails, screen shots, and court documents so that YOU can decide for yourself.  If you truly value evidence, I believe you will quite clearly understand why I took the actions I did.

Court Injunction (please note the circled area of the Judge’s comments)
23 - Judgement from judge Bean






Example threat against my son & wife by a ‘fan’ that I referenced
4 - threat









Video published the day after my son was born
5 - New Predictions in Nanotechnology Effects on the Future of Sport






Screen shots of Jason Blaha boasting about taking counter suing me and saying he will take my money & ‘rape me’ in court
9 - Blaha says he will take dirty scivation money






8 - lawyer statement







7 - counter suit







6 - going to keep video up take my money










Screen shot of email ‘offering a full surrender’
10 - Email 8-1-2013 full surrender and offer of settlement





Email accusing my lawyers of exaggerating their fees
11 - Email 9-2013 accusing lawyers of exagerating fees





Video Accusing me of Fraud

15 - Accusing me of fraud






Screenshot of him posting the claim online

13 - Shared documents on facebook






Email message to my attorneys accusing them of being ‘a criminal extortion ring’

20 - Email 10-20-2013 Criminal extortion ring accusation




Message from attorneys notifying him of the court date

22 - Letter on 11-13-2013 notifying JB of court date and appearance







Evidence to refute his allegations

Signed statement from my PhD advisor
25 - Signed statement from Dr. Layman









Signed statement from Scivation Owner
24 - Signed Scivation Statement









Signed statement from Marc Lobliner (former CEO of Scivation)
16 - Marc Lobliner signed statement








Signed statement from the OCB/IFPA
26 - IFPA signed Statement









Drug test result after 2010 IFPA Pro International

29 - Drug screening IFPA Pro International Result










Random offseason drug screening result from NAA


27 - NAA Facebook announcement






28 - Bellin health drug screening result










More relevant correspondence


Inflammatory email to my attorneys

21 - Email 11-8-2013





‘Going to War’ screenshot

17 - going to war photo