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  3. Upcoming event appearances: OCB Midwest States and Ava Cowan’s Real Talk Fitness Camp

Upcoming event appearances: OCB Midwest States and Ava Cowan’s Real Talk Fitness Camp

Thought I’d give you guys a quick update on my upcoming appearances.  I will be at 2 events in the next month that I’m really excited about.

On November 17th I will be attending the OCB Midwest States in Dekalb, IL.  Isabel and I went to this show every year since it’s inception when we lived in Illinois.  We could not make it last year and were very disappointed, but we are super excited to be going back.  BioLayne will have a booth at the show and we will be selling DVDs (Unleashed and Reloaded) as well as OUTWORK Apparel BioLayne signature shirts and the newly released PHAT (Power Hypertrophy Adaptive Training Shirts) at special pricing.  Please stop by and say hi, grab pictures, and buy stuff if you feel inclined to do so.

Then on December 1-3 I will be in Delray Beach, FL for my good friend Ava Cowan’s Real Talk Fitness Retreat.  Real Talk is a VIP camp for women who want to be pampered for a weekend while also getting as much fitness knowledge as possible and getting in workouts with Ava and seminars with myself and other fitness experts.  Information can be found on www.avacowan.com

I am definitely looking forward to a great month of exciting events!