James Krieger

James Krieger

James has a Master's degree in Nutrition and a second Master's degree in Exercise Science He has published research in prestigious scientific journals, including the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition and the Journal of Applied Physiology, and has collaborated with notable scientists in the field like Dr. Brad Schoenfeld. He’s the former science editor for Pure Power Magazine, the former editor for Journal of Pure Power, and the former publisher and writer for the Weightology Research Review, all publications that delivered scientific, but lay-friendly, information on training and nutrition to athletes and coaches. He has given over 100 lectures on fitness-related topics to physicians, dietitians, and other professionals, and has been a speaker at major events such as the AFPT Conference and NSCA Personal Training Conference. I've been involved in the health, nutrition, and fitness field for over 20 years, and have written over 500 articles. He’s also the former research director for 20/20 Lifestyles, a corporate weight management program that treats over 400 people per year with an average weight loss of 40 lbs.