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  3. 2014 USAPL 93kg Raw Nationals Champion!

2014 USAPL 93kg Raw Nationals Champion!

As many of you know this past week I competed in Aurora, CO at the most prestigious raw powerlifting meet in the country, the USAPL Raw Nationals.  This meet drew almost 500 lifters and ran over 4 days.  In the 93kg class where I lifted there were over 70 total lifters and approximately 40 lifters in the open class, all vying for a qualification for the IPF Raw Worlds in Finland next year.  I weighed in at 91.7kg easily making the weight cut off and put together my all time best meet total of 1725 including a 650 lb squat, 391 lb bench press, and 683 deadlift.  It was a very tough meet and it came down to the very last deadlifts to determine who would win our class.  What an unreal atmosphere and I was able to lift with such high level lifters like LS McClain and Bryce Lewis, who are also super nice people who carry themselves with dignity and integrity, like virtually everyone I met at the meet.  What an unbelievable experience.  A special thanks to my wife for always being so supportive, Ben Esgro for doing my programming, and Ryan Doris for keeping my mindset right.

Here are a few more videos from other people: