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  3. Are Low Carb Diets Best for Glycemic Control?
Are Low Carb Diets Best for Glycemic Control?

Are Low Carb Diets Best for Glycemic Control?


A recent study assessed whether or not low carb diets that varied from 10-30% (10,15,20,25,30) of total calories from carbs had differential effects on glycemic control. This study addressed some of the gaps in the recent literature:

  • It actually did compare low carb groups, some previous studies assessed any diet of less than 40% carbohydrate as ‘low carb’ which many people would argue that is not actually low carb
  • Weight loss was controlled between groups
  • Protein was controlled between groups
  • Food was provided to all participants
  • Continuous blood glucose monitors (CGMs) were used to assess glycemic control which allowed for assessment of fasting blood glucose, postprandial blood glucose, and 24 hour glucose

The authors hypothesized that they would see a benefit to lower carb diets on glycemic control, but they actually saw no differences between groups.