1. Videos
  2. BioLayne: The Rebulid
  3. Squat Form Adjustments with Brad Couillard
Episode 1 - Squat Form Adjustments with Brad Couillard

Squat Form Adjustments with Brad Couillard


The Rebuild is a video series documenting Layne’s come back to the powerlifting stage. In the first episode, Layne works with friend Brad Couillard and alters his squat form to allow for a more upright torso during the exercise. Brad is not a physical therapist but has learned through his experience of working around injuries and from some of the leading experts in the field of biomechanics. Layne also shows you the mobility work he performs and takes you through his working sets for the day. He had 2×5 on squats with 360 lbs, 3×3 on bench with 335 lbs, and 2×5 on deadlifts with 495 lbs.

To learn more about Brad Couillard visit http://www.truefn.com/brad-couillard