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  3. Blood Flow Restriction Leg Curl
laurin bfr leg curl

Blood Flow Restriction Leg Curl



Blood flow restriction training involves restricting the venous return of blood flow from the muscle. When performed properly, BFR allows one to use much lower weight while still attaining sizable anabolic responses. IFBB Bikini Pro Laurin Conlin demonstrates how to properly utilize this protocol of training while targeting the glutes and hamstrings.

Begin by wrapping something like knee wraps or blood pressure cuffs at the top of the thighs and right below the glute line. Do not wrap the area so tight that you cut off arterial flow. It should just be tight enough that you feel a slight shift in blood flow which is the result of induced venous pooling. Set the weight to 20-30% of you r one rep max. Perform the first set for 30 reps, and the following three sets for 15 reps with 30-45 seconds of rest between each set. Keep the wraps on for the entirety of the exercise.


Key points

  • Do not wrap the the area so tight that you cut off arterial blood flow
  • Keep an even cadence throughout each set. Do not perform the reps too fast or too slow.
  • Keep the wraps on for the entire exercise, until you have completed all of the sets.