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  3. The Gift of Injury – My Comeback with the help of Dr. Stu McGill and Brian Carroll
The Gift of Injury - Biolayne

The Gift of Injury – My Comeback with the help of Dr. Stu McGill and Brian Carroll


My back injuries have been well documented and many people have said that I should retire from powerlifting, that it just isn’t in the cards anymore. I don’t believe that and never have. Brian Carroll reached out to me on instagram after my latest injury and asked about helping. I had the opportunity to go meet up with Brian and his mentor Dr. Stu McGill, a legend when it comes to low back pain research. Dr. McGill put me through an extremely thorough 2 hour examination. In this video series you will learn:

  • What caused my pain?
  • Am I doomed to never compete again?
  • Can I live a pain free life?
  • What does Dr. McGill recommend for my recovery?
  • Can I ever get back on the platform?

This video will be useful for ANYONE who has ever had a setback from injury. Please make sure you check out Brian and Stu’s new book ‘The Gift of Injury’ and pick up ‘The Back Mechanic’ as well. These two books will allow you to be able to identify what is causing your back pain and how to appropriately treat it, as well as help you with the mentality and toughness it takes to come back from injury.

The Gift of Injury
BackFitPro Books